Scarlett Johansson: On Casting and Creativity, “I’m Not Limited to One Role or Species” – As If Magazine Cover Story

In a recent cover story for As If magazine, Scarlett Johansson opened up about her long and successful acting career as well as the trend of politically correct casting. The article features a stunning retro photoshoot of the 34-year-old actress that perfectly captures the mod vibe of the spring/summer 2019 issue. Art director David Salle and Peter Hidalgo even created three collectible limited edition dresses for the shoot.

Bombshell: Scarlett Johansson spoke candidly about her storied acting career and the growing 'trend' of politically correct casting in a revealing new cover story for As If magazine.

In a recent interview with As If magazine, Scarlett Johansson opened up about her extensive acting career and the increasing tendency towards politically correct casting. The actress was candid and forthcoming in her discussion of these topics.

In the stunning vintage shoot, the gorgeous blonde appeared as if she had time-traveled from the past. The photos were taken against a backdrop of modern clip art, and Scarlett flaunted various retro looks while sporting old Hollywood-style curled locks. Showing her passion for acting, the talented actress posed in different emotional ranges and faces while wearing the stunning ensembles. Even if acting didn’t pay well, she revealed that she would still be content to pursue it as a career.

Stunning: Art director and interviewer David Salle collaborated with Peter Hidalgo to create three collectible limited edition dresses that inspired the mod vibe of the shoot

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Impressive: David Salle, an art director and interviewer, worked with Peter Hidalgo to design three special-edition dresses that served as the inspiration behind the mod-themed photo shoot. These dresses are truly unique and collectible.

Custom! Scarlett looked amazing in one of the custom dresses

Scarlett was a sight to behold in her personalized dress. When asked about her career, she expressed that it was an amazing job that she thoroughly enjoyed. Her profession took priority over her lifestyle, which spoke volumes about her passion for acting. Despite this, she couldn’t deny the allure of the glamorous lifestyle that came with it. She candidly shared that acting was quite profitable and often gave her the advantage of walking into a restaurant without prior reservations. Though the photoshoot had a playful vibe, Scarlett opened up about her serious approach towards her acting career during the interview.

Truth teller: If acting paid her next to nothing, Scarlett said she would still happily do the job

Scarlett has stated that she has a strong commitment to her craft, as she would continue to pursue acting even if she wasn’t paid a significant amount. She is dedicated to her profession and enjoys it immensely.

Opening up: The 34-year-old was candid about the good and the bad in her industry

Looking back: She recalled a particularly tough time with director Jonathan Glazer while shooting Under the Skin where she was distraught about his behavior.

The actress, who is 34 years old, didn’t hold back when discussing the ups and downs of her profession. She shared a difficult experience she had while filming Under the Skin with director Jonathan Glazer. In the film, her character spent a lot of time outside in wet conditions, causing her to become cold and uncomfortable. The costume director would give her a warming jacket between takes, but Glazer told her to stop. The actress recalled feeling angry at Glazer for his behavior and even jokingly thought about killing him with her eyes.

Rough times: Director Jonathan Glazer once instructed the the costume director to stop Scarlett a warm jacket in between takes to make sure she was feeling the cold

During a challenging shoot, Director Jonathan Glazer showed his concern for Scarlett’s well-being by asking the costume director to provide a warm jacket in between takes. This gesture demonstrated his attention to detail and compassion for his cast and crew.

'If I wanted to decide to be wet and cold in order to feel wet and cold I¿ll make that choice myself, you know? But, sometimes directors imagine that they can do something like that.'

As an actress, I believe that I should have control over my own body and the discomfort I’m willing to experience for a role. If I want to feel wet and cold during a scene, it should be my decision and not the director’s. However, some directors assume they can force their creative vision onto us. Personally, I know how to act like I’m freezing. I can pretend that my toes or feet are numb. The entertainment industry has transformed significantly since my early days as a child actor. Recently, Scarlett Johansson faced backlash for accepting a trans character role instead of giving it to a trans actor. At first, she was adamant about keeping the part, but eventually the pressure became too much, and she withdrew from the project.

Drama: Recently Scarlett not-so-gracefully bowed out of an upcoming project as a trans character following significant backlash that the role wasn't given to a trans actor.

The latest drama in Hollywood involves Scarlett, who gracefully stepped away from her forthcoming role as a trans character. The move came after receiving considerable backlash that the role wasn’t given to an actual trans actor.

Touchy topic: She addressed was she called the 'political correctness' in casting without directly mentioning her controversial casting in Rub & Tug

The actress touched on a sensitive topic, which she referred to as “political correctness” in casting. Although she did not mention her controversial casting in Rub & Tug directly, she defended the idea that actors should not be limited in the roles they play. She stated that as an actor, she should be able to take on any role, be it human or non-human, as it was necessary for her job. However, she acknowledged that this trend had emerged in the industry for various social reasons, and while she understood the need for it, it sometimes made her art feel restricted. She believed that society would benefit from allowing people to have their own feelings instead of expecting everyone to think the same way.

'You know, as an actor I should be allowed to play any person, or any tree, or any animal because that is my job and the requirements of my job,' she said point blank.

She stated boldly that being an actor should give her the freedom to portray any character, even if it means playing a tree or an animal. This is simply part of her profession and comes with the territory.

'I feel like it¿s a trend in my business and it needs to happen for various social reasons, yet there are times it does get uncomfortable when it affects the art because I feel art should be free of restrictions.'

In my line of work, it seems like the norm and a necessary step for societal reasons. However, I do get uneasy when it affects the art because in my opinion, art should be unrestricted. As someone who appears on screen, the final product is often far from what I envisioned during filming. It’s rare that the end result aligns with my initial vision, which can be both disappointing and pleasantly surprising. Furthermore, how I approach a role or character may differ from how audiences perceive it. Take, for example, my role in Lost in Translation, which is often interpreted as a story about a foreigner in an unfamiliar place.

Always a surprise: The star, who has been in the industry for much of her life, went on to explain that as someone in front of the camera, she rarely ends up with the movie she thought she was making

It’s always a surprise for this seasoned star who has spent much of her life in the entertainment industry. She shared that as someone who’s always in front of the camera, she often doesn’t end up with the movie she initially anticipated. She reflected on Lost in Translation and how it was more than what she expected. She perceived the film as a story of a young woman’s loss of innocence and her transformational relationship with a stranger. Despite being set in a foreign land, she believed that the movie was more about the connection between her character and Bill Murray’s character rather than the unfamiliar surroundings. The actress believed that being in an unfamiliar place allowed her character to gain perspective on her life beyond the expectations of her familiar surroundings.

'To me, Lost in Translation was so specific to a young woman experiencing her loss of innocence, and her profound relationship with a stranger made the experience transformative.'

In my opinion, Lost in Translation is a movie that speaks directly to the experience of a young woman losing her innocence. The profound relationship between the main character and a stranger transforms her. Tatijana Shoan, Editor in Chief of As If Magazine and photographer, was able to elevate a typical celebrity photoshoot into something extraordinary by collaborating with the talented actress Scarlett Johansson and post-modern artist David Salle. Working with such greats made Shoan’s job as photographer a coveted one! The resulting art-meets-fashion editorial featuring Scarlett living within Salle’s paintings is truly captivating. This project culminated in limited-edition dresses that are sure to become future museum pieces.

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